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Monday, December 17, 2018
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The Sex Discrimination (Guernsey) Law, which should be in force this year, would give a right to damages to persons who suffered discrimination at work, as well.John Corlett, QC, Her Britannic Majesty's Attorney General, Isle of Man, responding to questions raised on race discrimination, stated that some legislation already proscribed dismissal on the basis of race, but such discrimination in general would be the subject of a forthcoming Racial Discrimination Bill. There was an outdated provision in the Aliens Restriction Act of 1948, which prohibited non British subjects from being members of the Manx Civil Service. That would be repealed by the Civil Jurisdiction Bill in the near future.Highlighting that a reservation had been made to article 11 on the prohibition of detention for non performance of a contractual obligation, an expert asked, by what procedure was such imprisonment imposed Also, what was the frequency of the application of imprisonment in cases of debt and what was the background of the reservation Also, was there a historical tradition of imprisonment for debtThe United Kingdom's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Sir Jeremy Greenstock, introducing his delegation, noted that it was the first time the Crown Dependencies had appeared before the Committee.
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